Playok Euchre

Time to be the ace in Spades Free by Jogatina! Have fun with this great classic trick-taking card game. Spades is similar to other trick card games like Hearts, Euchre, Oh Hell, Cribbage, Bridge, and Piquet with a dash of bidding. In our spades card game, you play with other 3 addict players, putting together 2 teams, and your objective is to score 500 points (or 250 points in our spades.

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Available inPolish, English, 33 other languages
LaunchedApril 24, 2002; 18 years ago[1]
Polish version logo

Username, password. Sign up for free. Feedback contact. The classic game of bidding and promoted Jacks! Euchre, pronounced YOO-ker, is a trick-taking card game played with a short deck of 24 cards ranked Nine to Ace. Select “Play” and Trickster Euchre finds other players based on skill and speed. Get started without waiting — other players join as they’re ready. After the game, “Play Again” keeps you playing with the same players. Example Euchre popular rules. The Basics of Playing Euchre By Barry Rigal, Omar Sharif Euchre is an excellent social card game, simple in concept but with a high degree of subtlety in the play. To play Euchre, you need the following.

PlayOK, also known as kurnik ('chicken coop'), is a website of classic board and card games to play online against live opponents in real-time. It was created in 2001 by Marek Futrega, and was initially a Polish-only website. As of early 2005 it supported over 30 board and card games, and the site is available in 33 languages so far.


It is the most popular on-line board game website in Poland.

Playok Pinochle

Since 7 October 2004 all game rules at Kurnik's web pages are available under the Creative Commons attribution-noncommercial licence.

Other interesting technical solutions:

  • Since 2012 all games are HTML5-based with support for mobile devices after migrating from Java applets[2]
  • The service collects extensive player statistics and maintains a complete archive of games played in the last 6 months. Games can be replayed or downloaded in popular formats (PGN, PBN, SGF and others).
  • Fully automated online tournaments including private ones (organised by users).
  • Guest mode for playing or observing games.

According to a gemiusTraffic research, in December 2004 the website was visited by 1.2 million unique users. The Polish version has about 100.000 registered users and, as of January 2007, an Alexa Internet ranking of around 1,200.[3]


Until 1 May 2002 Scrabble was also available at Kurnik, under the name Szkrable. After a threat of legal action from Cronix, the company with the rights to Internet versions of the game, Kurnik developed a similar game called 'Literaxx' (Literaki ;-) in Polish), which differed from Scrabble only because of a different board, but Cronix considered these changes too minor for it not to be a copyright violation. Marek Futrega then developed Literaki ;-) into a new word-based game with different rules than Scrabble. The Literaki ;-) rules are public domain. Similarly, a free equivalent of Monopoly, 'Blogpoly' (Netopol in Polish) is also available in the Polish version.

As of April 5, 2008 changed its name to

Games available[edit]


Kurnik is also a host for the biggest free software dictionary available for the Polish language. Collaboratively developed, it was initially meant to be just a tool to help validate moves in word-based games, but it subsequently replaced basically all other freely available dictionaries used in free software projects. The dictionary is dual-licensed under cc-sa and the GPL.


  1. ^' WHOIS, DNS, & Domain Info - DomainTools'. WHOIS. Retrieved 2016-08-02.
  2. ^Kurnik w HTML5
  3. ^Alexa ranking

External links[edit]

  • PlayOK - international website
  • - Polish website
  • On-Line Checker Play Sites - includes a short review of the game of checkers on Kurnik
Retrieved from ''

Euchre is popular across a wide area of Canada (from Nova Scotia to the Midwest) and in the USA (especially in the North-East and Midwest), and also in the United States Navy. It is played in some coastal areas of Britain, particularly in and near large sea ports, for example in Devon, Cornwall, Kent and the Channel Islands; also in, New Zealand, Australia and maybe other places (please let me know).

The main description below is based on the version of the game played in Cornwall, England. Some variations played there and in other places are described afterwards.

  • British Euchre
  • Variations

British Euchre

Players and Object

Playok Euchre

Euchre is a plain-trick game for four players in fixed partnerships, partners sitting opposite.

Just 5 cards are dealt to each player and the object is to win at least three of the five tricks - with an extra bonus for winning all five.

Rank of Cards

A pack of 25 cards is used consisting of A K Q J 10 9 in each of the four suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades, plus a joker. If your pack of cards has no joker, the two of spades can be used as a substitute.

The trump suit has 8 cards ranking from highest to lowest as follows:

Benny, or Best Bower (the joker or two of spades)
Right Bower (the jack of the trump suit)
Left Bower (the other jack of the same colour as the trump suit)

The other suits have 6 or 5 cards ranking as normal: AKQ (J) 109.

Note that Benny and Left count for all purposes as belonging to the trump suit. For example if hearts are trumps, the jack of diamonds is a heart not a diamond. It can be played to a heart lead and if it is led, hearts must be followed.

The word Bower comes from the German Bauer, which means farmer or peasant and is also a word for Jack.

The Deal

The first dealer is selected at random. The turn to deal then rotates clockwise throughout the game. The dealer shuffles and the player to dealer's left may either cut or 'bump' - that is, knock the cards to indicate that they should be dealt as they are, without cutting.

Five cards are dealt to each player in two rounds. The dealer deals clockwise, giving each player a packet of two or three cards in any order - any player who was dealt two in the first round gets three in the second and vice versa.

The dealer then turns the next card in the pack face up. This up-card is used as a basis for selecting the trump suit. The remaining four cards are left face-down and are not used.

Making trump

This process determines the trump suit and which team are the makers - that is the team which undertakes to win three tricks. First each player in turn, beginning with the player to the dealer's left, has the option of accepting up-card's suit as the trump suit or passing. Specifically:

  • The player to dealer's left may either pass or say 'I order it up'
  • If the first player passes, the dealer's partner may either pass or say 'I turn it down'
  • If the first two players pass, the player to dealer's right may either pass or say 'I order it up'
  • If all three other players pass, the dealer may either take up the up-card, saying 'I take it up', or pass by saying 'over' and turning the up-card face-down.

If either of the dealer's opponents order it up or if dealer decides to take it up, the suit of the up-card becomes trump; the dealer adds the up-card to her hand and discards a card face-down. Note that (at least in this version of Euchre), the dealer's partner cannot make trumps and play with a partner. Online casino phone app. The dealer's partner can only make the turned up suit trumps by playing alone. In Britain this is done by saying 'I turn it down', in which case the dealer's cards are placed face-down on the table and dealer's partner plays alone, with the turned suit as trump.

If all four players pass, the up-card is turned face-down, and there is a second round in which players have the option to make any suit trump, other than the suit of the up-card. Again the player to dealer's left speaks first and may either pass again or name a suit. If the first player passes the second may name a suit or pass, and so on. If all four players pass a second time the cards are thrown in and the next player deals.

Note that the trump making process ends as soon as someone accepts or makes trump (rather than passing). That player's side are the makers and the other side are the defenders.

If the Benny is turned up then the dealer's team are automatically the makers - no one else gets an opportunity. The dealer must choose a trump suit without looking at her cards. She then picks up her five cards and the Benny and discards one.

Going Alone

After trump has been made, but before the first lead, any player may announce that they are playing alone. The partner of a lone player puts her cards face-down and takes no part in the play.

Playok Euchre

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Either a member of the makers side or a defender may play alone. It is even possible that a maker and a defender choose to play alone, in which case there will be only two active players.

The Play

If all four players are in the game, the play begins with the player to the dealer's left leading to the first trick. If one player is playing alone, the person to that player's left leads first. If two players are playing alone, the defender leads.

Any card may be led, and each player in clockwise order must follow suit by playing a card of the same suit as the card led if possible. A player who cannot follow suit may play any card.

Remember that, for purposes of following suit, Benny and the Left Bower are considered to belong to the trump suit and not to any other suit.

The trick is won by whoever played the highest card of the suit led, unless a trump was played in which case the highest trump wins. The winner of each trick leads to the next one.


If all four players are playing then the scores are as follows:

  • If the makers win 3 or 4 tricks they score one point.
  • If the makers win all 5 tricks they score two points.
  • If the makers take fewer than three tricks they are said to be euchred, and the defenders score two points.

If a member of the makers' team is playing alone and wins all 5 tricks, the team scores 4 points instead of 2 - otherwise the scores are as above.

If a member of the defenders' team is playing alone and succeeds in winning at least 3 tricks, thereby euchring the makers, the defenders score 4 points instead of 2 - otherwise the scores are as above.

The game is normally played to 11 points - that is, the team who first reach 11 or more points over several deals win the game. It is usual for each team to keep score using a spare 5 and 6 from the pack (as these cards are not used in the game). The cards are arranged on the table so that the number of pips showing shows the team's current score. Sometimes people play to 15 points (using a 7 and an 8 to keep score) or to 10 points.


Some play that a player who has passed in the round in which trumps were made is not allowed to play alone. This prevents a player from 'trapping' an opponent by passing with a good hand and then playing alone against them to score 4 points for a euchre.

Six Player Euchre

In Cornwall, England, this is played between two teams of three, sitting alternately. Either adds the sevens and eights to the pack, making 33 cards (the 8 and 7 are then the lowest cards of each suit, below the 9), or play with a double 25 card pack - 50 cards in all.

When playing with a double pack, if two equally high cards are played to a trick, the second to be played beats the first. If the two Bennies are red and black, the one which is the same colour as the trump suit beats the other one. If they both look the same, then the second one played beats the other, as with other cards.

If a player wants to play alone, both of the player's partners discard their hands face down, but the lone player can ask one of them for a card. The partner asked gives a card of his choice to the lone player, without consultation and without showing it to the others, and the lone player discards a card face-down in return.

The score for winning all the tricks or euchring the makers is 3 points instead of 2. If the winner is playing alone the score is 6 points instead of 4.

North American Euchre

In Canada and the USA, Euchre is played without a joker, so that there are just 24 cards in the deck, and the right bower is the highest trump. The target score is 10 points (not 11). The score is indicated by using two low cards overlapped - some use a six and a four, some use two fives, and some use a two and a three like this:

In the USA any player, including the dealer's partner, is allowed to order up the up-card and play with a partner. In other places - Australia, England and Canada - if the dealer's partner orders the card up, he/she must play alone; therefore the dealer's cards are laid face-down and the dealer does not play the hand.

Some people do not allow a defender to play alone - only the maker is allowed to play alone. Some only allow a defender to play alone against a lone maker.

In Canada it is not usual for the cards to be cut before dealing, and in many groups the cards are dealt one at a time, rather than in twos and threes.

A common method of choosing the first dealer is to deal the cards around until a black jack appears.

Stick the Dealer (also known as 'Screw the dealer'). In this variation the dealer cannot pass a second time when naming the trump suit. On the second round, if the first three players pass, the dealer must name a suit. This variation is often played when playing time is constrained.

The Super-Euchre A 'Super-Euchre' occurs when the making team takes zero tricks. Some play that the defending team then scores 4 points.

Railroading. This is a variation in which, if your partner is going to play alone, you may pass your partner a card (your best card) face down. Before looking at this card partner must choose whether to discard a card from hand and take the card offered in exchange, or to discard the offered card.

Some people play that if the first three players pass, the dealer is only allowed to take up the turned trump if already holding at least one trump in hand. For this purpose, the left bower is not counted as a trump.


Buck Euchre (Cut-Throat Euchre)

This game for three or four players, playing as individuals, is described on a separate page.

32 card Euchre

In some places the 8s and 7s are included in the pack as the lowest cards in each suit, making a pack of 32 or 33 cards. This makes it more uncertain whether the high cards are in play. I am told that 32 card Euchre is the usual version in New Zealand. Also there are a few people in the USA who still play this way.

Six Hand Almonte Euchre

Mike Lunney contributed the following variation, which is played in Almonte, in eastern Ontario, Canada.

Rules are the same as six player Euchre above, but with the following variations:

There are 6 players (3 per team) using a 30 card deck consisting of 8-9-10-Q-K-A-J in each suit, plus three jokers, represented by the 2,3,and 4 of spades (4 is the highest trump, followed by 3, 2, right bower, left bower, A, K, Q, 10, 9).

The dealer distributes 5 cards to each of the 6 players and then turns over the last one (i.e. no hidden cards). If the card turned up is a joker, then dealer calls the trump before looking in his or her hand.

Scoring is the same as for British six player Euchre described above, but play is up to fifteen. Or in euchre leagues, players play twice around the table (i.e. 12 hands) before moving to another table.

There is a version in which, if a joker is turned up, the dealer cannot turn it over at the end of the first round of bidding, but must take it into his or her hand and become the maker, assuming the other 5 players have passed on the called trump.

A four-hand variation is played with 21 cards: the Q-K-A-J of clubs and diamonds, the 10-Q-K-A-J of hearts and spades, plus the 3 jokers; scoring is the same as in six-hand.

Bid Euchre

There are many varieties of this. See the Bid Euchre page.

Terminology and Sayings

From England

have an eye
have a score of at least one
beaten without score (i.e. 11-0)
dockyard play or playing policeman
opponents of dealer who do not order up with good cards, in the hope of euchring the dealer's team

From North America

Bill Le May contributed the following sayings:

Don't send a boy to the mill
said when you trump a suit trick with something like a 9 or 10 and the other opponent takes it with something higher.
Crossing the creek
when the top card is turned down and someone makes trump of the opposite color.
Dutchman's Point
is the point you win when you're holding both bowers and the ace of trump. (In the USA, where the joker is not used, these are the highest three trumps).
Bushing or Waiting in the bushes
is passing when you hold enough cards to make trump, hoping instead to euchre the opponent who picks up.
Having a dog from every county
means your five cards comprise all four suits, usually low cards.

Some sayings from Indiana, USA, contributed by Chris Carter and Chris Patterson:

to be set
to be euchred
Sweep or March
winning all the tricks
In the barn
one point away from victory (usu. 9 points)
To get cut
to lead an ace that gets trumped by the first opponent
a hand suitable for playing alone
Lay-down loner
a loner consisting of unbeatable cards (for example, if you have the first lead: right, left, trump ace, another trump, any off ace). [Of course this is not laydown if the lone player does not have the first lead. In some places, a variation is played in which if you play a loner you never get the lead. If the player to your right leads first you would need five trumps including the top three for a lay-down loner. If the player to the left of the loner leads, then five trumps including two bowers is enough.]
a low card is led and takes the trick (usually expressed in amazement or disgust: 'The ^#$@&^*(@! queen walked!'
After the up-card is turned down, the player to the dealer's left may call 'next' to indicate that the same-color suit as the turned-down card is to be named the trump suit.

Historical Note

Euchre was probably derived from the game Jucker which was formerly played in Alsace. Euchre reached the USA in the early nineteenth century and was the original game for which the Joker was introduced into the playing-card pack in the 1850s (to serve as the highest trump). It has already been mentioned that Euchre is popular in the US Navy, and it may be through this maritime connection that it travelled in the later nineteenth century from America to other English speaking parts of the world. Certainly in Britain it is mainly found in regions where there has been a strong Naval influence.

Other Euchre Web Sites

  • Archive copy of Matt Schemmel and Erin O'Neil's Semi-Official Euchre Home Page with rules, advice and printable tournament scorecards.
  • Harvey Lapp's site has rules of the American game, tips for improving you play, advice on protecting yourself from players who cheat, and a shop for Euchre equipment.
  • Archive copy of John Hay's Euchre page
  • Alan Gilfoy's Euchre page
  • Rules of Euchre are available on the Card Game Heaven site.
  • Ralph Sprovier's Euchre Info website has a collection of recommended documents and links on Euchre strategy and terminology.
  • The Euchre page of the White Knuckle Playing Cards site, which describes the Australian game with 32 cards.
  • Archive copy of Dave Barker's former Euchre page
  • Brad Wilson's Card Games pages include several Euchre and Bid Euchre variants.
  • Achive copies of Bram Kivenko's pages on Euchre probabilities, strategies and a glossary.
  • On the island of Guernsey, in the English Channel, Euchre (played with 33 cards including a joker) is the national game. This archive copy of the Guernsey United Euchre League site had details of league rules, matches and results.
  • Perry's Euchre Universe Blog discusses Euchre strategy and other Euchre-related topics.
  • The EuchreFun blog features printable rotations and score sheets for tournaments, information on Euchre events in the in the Metro Detroit Area (USA) and other Euchre related posts.
  • Natty Bumppo has invented a Euchre Solitaire game.
  • Joe Chellman has published a page on Euchre for Two Players.

Euchre tournaments, books and equipment

Natty Bumppo's Columbus Book of Euchre gives not only rules but also plenty of discussion of tactics, local traditions and sayings from Columbus, Indiana, USA. On the web site you can see extracts from the book, and an appendix containing additional material. There are also Reviews of other books on Euchre. You can order The Columbus Book of Euchre from

The book The Complete Win at Euchre by Joe Andrews is available from

Ohio Euchre provides a collection of Euchre resources, including information about Euchre tournaments in Ohio, USA, and a forum for Euchre discussions.

At the Euchre Pad site you can print score cards for Euchre tournaments of various sizes played either as teams (keep partner and play each game against a different team) or progressive (change partner for each game). The service is free but donations are welcome.

The CardsTourney website by Duke Euker provides a tournament scheduling service: you enter the names of up to 40 players a printable score card for each player showing partner and opponenmts for each round.

Josh Falter's Euchre Tournament is a free, open source program that can be used to help organise a Euchre tournament. It keeps score, calculates player ranking and can be used to print scorecards for each player that tell who their partner is, what table they play at, and who their opponents are each round. It currently supports tournaments of 4, 8, 12 or 16 players.

The Semi-Official Euchre Tournament Page (archive copy) had seating arrangements and scorecards for Euchre tournaments for various numbers of players.

Euchre-Playing Software and Online Servers

A shareware Windows program for playing both two-handed Euchre and Écarté against your computer or an online opponent can be downloaded from MeggieSoft Games.

With DreamQuest Software's Championship Euchre Pro you can play against computer opponents. Available for Windows, Palm OS and Pocket PC.

Malcolm Bain's Simply Euchre program for Windows is available from Card Games Galore.

The collection HOYLE Card Games for Windows or Mac OS X includes a Euchre program.

3D Euchre is an Android app for A-star Software with which you can play Euchre against AI opponents or live players.

Here is Terry Burlison's page about his Ultimate Euchre program.

Hardwood Euchre from Silver Creek Entertainment is available on iOS (iphone, ipod, ipad) Android, Kindle, Windows and Mac.

Special K Software has developed software to play the card game of Euchre. This software is available at

Games4All has published a free Euchre app for the Android platform.

Mike's Cards includes a Euchre program for Macintosh and Windows computers.

Some more sites where you can play Euchre on-line against live opponents:

  • Mystic Island organises tournaments, leagues and ladders
  • Robert Schultz's World of Card Games offers an online Euchre game.
  • PlayOK (formerly known as Kurnik)
  • AOL games (formerly / Masque publishing)
  • American Euchre and British Euchre can be played at TrapApps.
  • Mana Battery publishes online games for the Microsoft Xbox 360, Windows Phone, IOS and Android.
  • Case's Ladder organises online leagues and operates a tournament ranking system.